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香港浸会大学 HKBU

香港理工大学 PolyU

香港大学 HKU

香港城市大学 CityU

香港科技大学 HKUST

​香港中文大学 CUHK



Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)




  • 地理分析,GIS和遥感

  • 能源,可持续发展和资源管理

  • 自然景观与环境变化

  • 城市与区域研究



  • Qiming Zhou: change detection and land cover modelling with remote sensing, digital terrain analysis and hydrological modelling, climate change and its impacts on water resources and ecosystems, aridzone studies;

  • Donggen Wang: activity-travel behavior, transport and time geography, activity-based socio-spatial segregation, geography of wellbeing, housing choice and residential satisfaction;

  • Jianfeng Li: hydroclimatology, hydrology and water resources, climate extremes and water hazards, climate change, regional water cycle。


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)


GIS相关系所:土地测量及地理资讯学系 Department of Land Surveying and Geo-informatics (LSGI)

香港理工大学土地测量与地理资讯学系是国际知名的地球空间信息科学学系之一,多年来致力于测绘、遥感、摄影测量、GIS、数字制图、城市信息科学等方面研究。目前LSGI开设有两个授课型MSc Program,开设较早的Master of Science in geomatics和20fall刚开设的Master of Science in urban informatics and smart cities,学制1-2年。研究型项目有PhD与Mphil可申请,本科毕业直博一般为四年,硕士毕业申请为三年。系里Mphil名额很少,research student一般为博士生。


  • SHI, Wen-zhong, John: urban informatics for smart cities, GIScience and remote sensing, mobile mapping technology, and 3D and dynamic GIS modeling;

  • LI, Zhi-lin: cartography, GIS-Based spatial data modeling, feature extraction from remote sensing images;

  • WU, Bo: photogrammetry and robotic vision, planetary mapping and planetary science, 3D GIS and applications;

  • PUN, Cheng Shuk-ching, Lilian: intelligent transport system, cartographic visualization, spatial analysis, spatial networking;

  • LIU, Xin-tao: GIScience, complex network, transportation geography, urban computing;

  • XU, Yang: GIScience, urban informatics, mobility, transportation;

  • ZHUGE, Cheng-xiang, Tony: spatial analysis and modeling, activity-based travel demand modeling, smart cities, land use and transport interaction, agent-based modeling, complex urban system;

  • ZHU, Xiao-lin: remote sensing and geospatial analysis, with focusing on missing data reconstruction, spatiotemporal data fusion, classification, change detection, land surface information retrieval, and applications of Geoscience in urban and ecological studies;

  • JIA, Peng: Spatial lifecourse epidemiology, health geography, obesity, health cares, spatial technology;

  • WENG, Qihao: urban remote sensing, urban climatology and ecology, environmental sustainability.

​申请经验:Fall 21, Fall 21​,就读体验


University of Hong Kong (HKU)








  • YEH, Anthony Gar On 葉嘉安: land use planning, big data and smart cities, GIS, urban studies, intelligent transport system;

  • HE, Shenjing 何深靜:housing differentiation and socio-spatial inequality, urban poverty, urban redevelopment;

  • LI, Weifeng 李衛鋒: remote sensing, GIS and big data in urban environmental analysis, urban modeling;

  • LIU, Xingjian 劉行健: Urban Geography, Urban Networks, City-regions, Urban Analytics;

  • ZHOU, Jiangping 周江評: big-data applications and analytics for transport/urban studies, transport policy and planning;

  • HUANG, Jianxiang 黃健翔: thermal, acoustic and building energy performances in high density cities, environmental modeling;

  • HO, Derrick (Hung Chak) 何鴻澤: urban health and environmental epidemiology, geospatial modeling;

  • SUN, Guibo 孫貴博: built environment and health, applied GIS;

  • Ma, Jun: Urban Computing, environmental computing, AI and robotics in smart cities;

  • YANG, Tianren 杨天人:urban analytics and modelling, urban spatial structure and travel, planning support systems for decision-making

  • CHEN, Bin 陳斌: Remote Sensing and Data-Model Fusion, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Geospatial Big Data Analysis, Urban Environmental and Public Health, Human-Environment Spatiotemporal Interaction, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  • Zhang, Xiaohu 張嘯虎: Shared Mobility, Urban Simulation, Urban Data Science

  • Zhao, Zhan 趙展: Urban Computing and Spatiotemporal Data Mining; Human Mobility and Travel Behavior; Public Transit and Shared Mobility on Demand Systems

  • Zhou, Yulun: Urban Complex Systems and Spatial Data Mining; Spatial Cognition and Human Inspired Computing; Operations Research and Decision Science for Smart Cities

  • Zhu, Jin 朱金: Span housing and land policy, urbanisation and migration, sustainable built environment and urban governance



  • XUE, Fan 薛帆: urban computing, urban sensing, urban semantics in 3D point clouds, machine learning, optimization algorithm, BIM, GIS, IoT.

申请经验:Fall 21Fall 21Fall 21, Fall 19


City University of Hong Kong (CityU)





  • LU, Yi: built environment, healthy city, travel behavior, street view imagery;

  • CHOW, Andy: data analytics and artificial intelligence, cooperative intelligent transport systems, public transport operations, smart cities and mobility, urban transport analytics;

  • LO, S. M.: spatial planning for pedestrian movement and evacuation modeling, urban and land use planning, building development, construction management and fire safety engineering;


The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)

中国,香港特别行政区, 九龙

GIS相关系所:Division of Environment and Sustainability

香港科技大学没有地理系及开设GIS相关专业,但是在Division of Environment and Sustainability有一些老师运用GIS和遥感来模拟环境过程,主要研究环境科学与可持续发展问题。


  • Jimmy W M CHAN: GIS, Spatial analysis and modeling, Remote sensing, Computer graphics, Simulation and numerical optimization;

  • Alexis K H LAU: Geophysical data analysis, weather and climate, satellite remote sensing applications;

  • Dasa GU: satellite remote sensing;

  • Changqing LIN: lidar remote sensing, satellite remote sensing;

  • Fan Zhang: GIScience, Urban Informatics, Social Sensing, Urban Visual Intelligence;

  • ​Hugo Wai Leung MakRemote Sensing; Environmental Image and Data Analytics; Satellite Informatics; Applied and Computational Mathematics; Data Assimilation and Machine Learning.


The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)



地理与资源管理学系是亚洲地理教育研究前沿的地理系之一。地理系的教学和研究围绕四个领域进行,即城市和区域发展、自然和环境系统、地理信息和分析、全球变化和资源管理。地理系内的三位教授分别在环境、能源与可持续发展研究所、未来城市研究所和太空与地球信息科学研究所担任主任。学生可以申请本科和研究生学习,获得地理与资源管理(GRM)的BSSc、MPhil和博士学位(4年)、地理信息科学硕士(Master of Science in Geoinformation Science)和可持续旅游硕士(Master of Social Science in Sustainable Tourism)。

太空与地球信息科学研究所是在中国科学院和香港中文大学的地球信息科学联合实验室(JLGIS)的基础上成立的。研究所设有中高分辨率卫星遥感地面接收站,为学生开展遥感、GIS等研究提供了独特的机会。主要研究领域包括云和多雨地区遥感(CARS)、虚拟地理环境(VGE)、应急响应和自然灾害监测和管理、城市和都市地理信息系统、城市住区环境分析和建模、公共卫生和地理信息系统,智能交通系统(ITS)与空间整合的人文社会科学。研究所下设地球系统与地球信息科学研究生部,提供“環境信息、健康與公共管理”方向的硕士课程(Master of Science in Environmental Information, Health and Public Management (FT & PT))和“地球系统和地理信息科学”方向的研究型硕士/博士学位的课程(MPhil-PhD Programme in Earth System and GeoInformation Science (Full Time & Part Time))。如有内地的硕士学位,博士学制为3年,否则为4年。


  • Mei-Po Kwan: environmental health, human mobility, healthy cities, social justice, and GIScience;

  • Peifeng Ma: deep learning for Geo-analysis, SAR, remote sensing

  • Jianfa Shen: urbanization and migration analysis, spatial population modeling, inter-city competition and cooperation, urban and regional development, pearl river delta and China;

  • Tung Fung: digital image analysis, spatial modeling, land cover change detection;

  • Ying He: transportation, planning and policy, travel behavior, activity-based modeling, GIS/spatial analysis, urban and regional economics.

  • XU Jiang: State spaces and politics of scale; Intercity railway planning in China's mega-city regions; Environmental elements in China's urban planning system; Urban and regional development/governance in China; Urban planning, urban land use and spatial transformation; Pearl River Delta Studies.

  • WONG Kwan Kit, Frankie: Digital image analysis; Vegetation classification and mapping; Spatial modeling.

  • ​Hugo Wai Leung MakRemote Sensing; Environmental Image and Data Analytics; Satellite Informatics; Applied and Computational Mathematics; Data Assimilation and Machine Learning.

​申请经验:Fall 21, Fall 20

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